Image-to-ASCII Converter
The image to ASCII converter was developed at the beginning of this web project so that any images for the site could fit the terminal theme. It is coded entirely in TypeScript both for simple integration with an angular project and for the sake of developing skills in an image library other than PIL. The code loads an image, resizes it to a width passed as a parameter, and corrects its height to account for the characters being more rectangular than they are square. The pixels in the corrected image are then looped through and converted to a brightness which is then used to select a symbol from a range of characters. The selected ASCII character is then added to a string that is returned after each pixel has been examined.
Moodboard Generator (paused)
The moodboard generator was inspired by a number of ironic moodboards on social media. This project is 100% Python and currently a work in progress. Upon completion, the code will scrape images from the internet based on a user input. It will then use the PIL library to analyze the pixels from each image and determine average primary, secondary, and tertiary colors across all of the images. These colors will then be applied to the CSS of an HTML template and also used to remove outlier images from the scrape results. Finally, images will be selected randomly from the remaining scrape results to be added to the HTML. Currently, the code is able to obtain color motifs from manually uploaded images.